
Question #2:

Dear KidsRead2Kids,

My 8 and 9-year-old kids don’t know how to read. I have done everything I can to help, but they still have a hard time pronouncing letter sounds and words. Can you recommend any apps to catch them up?

Spencer, Texas

Winter 2021 • Tips From Us

Hi Spencer!

Thank you for your question! We hear from a lot of parents with similar issues; finding the right resources for your child is no small feat. Our video-audiobooks for early learners can help your kids learn how to interact with common words in a fun and judgment-free environment. Each book comes with a lesson plan full of prompts designed to help your child get the most out of their learning.

We also have some great apps to share with you, courtesy of our friends at DyslexiaHelp at the University of Michigan. In their words, they come from an “extensive and meticulously organized list of apps that may be helpful” to anyone who needs extra help. We’ll link the entire list for you below, but here's a selection we picked specifically for you!

Reading Machine is a free dictionary for beginning readers. The app models how the letters and sounds in a word go together so that kids can type in words they don’t know for the app to sound out for them. Essentially, the app helps teach kids how to decipher words, as opposed to guessing from context. This could be really helpful for helping your kids pronounce letter sounds and words! Find it HERE.

SightWords is a free app that provides online and printable materials centered around teaching phonemic awareness, or pre-phonics for beginning readers. The materials offered are classroom-tested and include how-to videos, printable picture cards, and word lists, and game boards for fun learning activities. Find it HERE.

ABC Reading Magic Series is a 5-part series of apps that focus on three core skills: blending, segmenting, and reading. These apps are designed with built-in lesson plans to improve phonological processing abilities in young children. Each app has a free trial version or a full version for $2 per app. Find it HERE.

Epic! is a free digital library with over 25,000 ebooks, audiobooks, learning videos, and quizzes all designed for kids ages 12 and under. It’s available on both the iPhone and the iPad. Find it HERE.

You can find the rest of the resources linked HERE.

We hope these resources help your children find a love of reading and learning, and thank you so much for reaching out to ask a question!



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