
10 Things About Me with Our KR2K Team: Meet Cedric!

Fall 2020 • Kids Corner

In our section, 10 Things About Me, you’ll get an inside look at our KidsRead2Kids Team! Meet Cedric, our PR volunteer.  

Hi Cedric! Thank you for joining us.

1.     What’s your favorite part about working at KidsRead2Kids?

My favorite part about working at KidsRead2Kids is that I get to share the love of confidence and the creative imagination that comes from reading!

2.     What do you love about photography?

What I love about photography is that you can capture a feeling, or a moment, and be able to look back at that same picture years, later and share in the fullness of that moment again.

3.     What was your favorite book growing up?

I had a major obsession with The Captain Underpants series as a kid. I still have no regrets.

4.     What’s your favorite reading spot? What do you love about it?

My favorite reading spot is a cool, quiet place - The reason that I love those types of atmospheres is because it provides my mind with a place where I can escape to really connect with the story that I’m reading.

5.     What were your biggest struggles in school, and how did you overcome them?

My biggest struggle in school was being myself. I always felt the need to fit in, because I didn’t think people liked the real me. The way I was able to overcome those feelings of needing to be accepted was to realize that I am awesome regardless of what anyone thinks of me.

I remembered that there is only one of me over time I found out that my purpose as an adult was connected to the same struggles that I faced when I was younger. It made me realize that my self worth isn’t defined by what people tell me, but rather what I think of myself.

6.     Here at KidsRead2Kids, we believe our biggest struggles can also be our greatest strengths (or our real-life superpower!). What is YOUR superpower?

My superpower is positivity. I love encouraging and supporting people. I love seeing others accomplish their goals, and if necessary, lend a helping hand along the way. I believe that everybody has gifts inside of them that can be used to make the world a better place.

7.     What are your hobbies and passions?

My passion is creating and sharing music that tells a story in a positive, relatable way. My full-time hobbies are that I’m an artist and music producer.

I love playing basketball, as well as soccer. I also play guitar, trumpet, and piano. I love watching football with my family and spending time outdoors. I would also consider French fries another one of my passions. I literally dressed up as French Fries when I was kid for Halloween.

8.     If you could change anything about the world, what would you change and why?

I would change the extreme negativity that gets shared across the world every day. I want to live my best life, and for me that looks like sharing positivity with as many people as I possibly can.

9.     What advice would you give to a struggling reader?

Take a deep breath. Remember that it’s okay. And try again. You will thank your future self for this. 

10.  What are you reading right now? 

I’m reading a book called, “Believe It” by Nick Foles. It’s a story about overcoming adversity and appreciating the speed of your process along the way to success. It’s really helped to enhance my perspective on life, while remembering that our lives are truly so important.